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In the press

CRISTEC joins the Euro Elec group, also owner of Mantagua brand


Boatsnews – November 2022

Cristec, a charger that is also an electrical panel

IBI News – Feb-March 2022

Interview of CRISTEC’s Sales and Marketing Director

Bateaux.com – May 2021

Cristec offers new tri-voltage battery controller

Yacht life & travel – January 2021

YPOWER PLUS charger is the first charger completely silent

Multihulls world gen-feb 2019

2019 buyer’s guide

Multihulls world May-June 2018

Shopping : HPOWER chargers

Multihulls world Aug.-Sept. 2017

Diagnosis :
energy aboard

Voile magazine – Ap. 2017

Electricity: High voltage batteries

Náutica y yates – n° 28 – Dec. 2016 – Jan. 2017

Nuestro cargador de baterías CC/CC

leo risus velit, venenatis, nec tristique non elit.